COMM121: Introduction to Mass Communications

Welcome to the Spring 2009 edition of Intro to Mass Communications.  Here is a link to your course wiki page.  Remember that you need to log in to post to either the wiki or the blog!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Nathan said...

I found both of these videos very interesting. I actually had previously seen the Dove commercial in my University seminar class last semester which was about interaction in the community. I found it interesting on how much makeup and Photoshop can do to one’s face to make a person seem flawless. The second video was quite interesting on how photographers use lighting of the day to better their portraits. After searching YouTube I found this video: It shows how they can not only change the look of someone’s face but their entire body. It says that over 99.9% of photos in magazines and build boards are touched up. In fact most models have personal Photoshop “touchupers “and none of their pictures are released until they give the ok. After watching this video I started to think about how Photoshop is used to make us look perfect in pictures. Beauty and the perfect body is a myth as said before. Technology has changed our ideas on beauty and our view of what exercise can actually accomplish. In the video that I found the photographer says that even if someone was to work out as much as we are supposed to it would still be nearly impossible to look like what the models do in the magazines because what you see is not real. This leads me to think of how some people take this perfection to another level. It takes us to plastic surgery. Plastic Surgery is the next level of Photoshop. It is taking what is done on the computer and putting it into action. This is a link to a video that shows how some famous actresses did just this and took Photoshop literally.

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