COMM121: Introduction to Mass Communications

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jonas Brothers/Disney vs. Barbie

After watching the crazy jonas brothers episode of south park, i realized how other companies do the same thing as disney when it comes to promoting a "perfect" image of what they are promoting. My dad recently sent me a video from saturday night live that did something simmilar to the south park that we watched. This video is making fun of barbie. Although barbie is looked at as a very clean cut and responsible idol for girls, however it is also promoting many other things to these girls. The idea of perfection, and that you must look like barbie to be attractive (which is impossible). Barbie is seen as a very successful woman, so there is the idea given that even though she is a woman, she can still be very successful without being married or having suport of her husband. So perhaps she is not promoted as much as disney, or be branded nearly as much, but there is definetly another side to the "barbie" image.

Here is the video:

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