COMM121: Introduction to Mass Communications

Welcome to the Spring 2009 edition of Intro to Mass Communications.  Here is a link to your course wiki page.  Remember that you need to log in to post to either the wiki or the blog!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Communications via satelite

I found in interesting in Chapter 10 how it said that “Sputnik began a period in which satellites would become a primary visual force, as the means to survey and spy on other nations, as a means of transmission for television and news images, and as the means through which most telecommunications, in particular cell phones, takes place.” Sputnik caused such an uproar and there have been complaints about satellites that are used to spy… but without those satellites, our culture would not be what it is today, and what we have become to accustomed to. I went a week without my cell phone once and all I could do was wonder what I did before cell phones to communicate. I use my computer all the time and when Maryville’s internet was down, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Transmitted communication is key in our society and has undoubtedly changed our view points on communications.

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